Sunday, August 17, 2008

Peek-a-boo! It's ME Caden!!

Huge milestone for him: Tuesday Aug.12, he READ HIS FIRST WORD!! He brought me The Berenstain Bears Christmas book to read him and I read the first couple words of the title then I saw his gears-a-turnin' so I paused (no mom promptings) as he sounded out "kuh, huh, rrr, ihh, sss, tuh, mmm, aa, sss" blended the sounds 2 times then came up with "Kurt mouse"--with a finger drag and all. Proud just isn't a big enough word. We called Grannie and big Papa right away so all family knew. He has come so far this past year (thank you Rosie and Virginia) and still has a long way to go but we love him so so much. FYI he should be having his pshycoeducational evaluation soon after school starts up so hopefully more help and support is on the way for our funny little guy.


The Fear Fam said...

How exciting! Congratulations to Caden!

Anonymous said...


He is such a delight to have around and we sure love having him a part of our group at the daycare! We luv ya Caden!

~Rosie & your daycare friends
(Tyler, Kim, Alivia, Brady, Connor & Michael)

Shan said...

How Awesome!!

Caden you rock!!!