Wednesday, September 15, 2010

oh yeah, this was fun!

daddy and his spontaneous plans: came home one day and said lets cook dinner over an open flame tonite in the back yard. uhh... ok. i grabbed the hot dogs and marshmallows, (cause that's really all that is needed). after i made some orange julius for everyone i had to try some asparagus, then we had a nice little smokey nite. it was around this time that caden lost a top tooth and asked the tooth fairy to bring him a squeaky toy (we grabbed a squeaking mallard dog toy at 10pm to fullfill my precious child's desire). after speaking with a lisp due to one dangling front tooth, he lost the other one, no dog toy this time. anyway those were a couple fun times we had 'round here on the ol' anderson ranch. now its the back to the school grind. which is nice too.

1 comment:

Carrie said...

ah, those are the BEST kinds of family memories. and I love that Caden asked for a squeeky toy!